Is that a good thing?  Well undoubtedly yes in the long term, we just need to be slightly cautious with your systems right now.

Now that Windows 11 has an official launch date of the 5th October, it is important for us to provide information and guidance on how this will impact your business.

The main point is that, as with any new technology, there are reasons not always to be an ‘early adopter’.  This applies to operating systems as well, and there a few considerations before going ahead.

Hardware compatibility There are lots of tweaks and shiny new features in Windows 11, which will be great for many of us, but this means that your PC needs to be more powerful and of a certain specification to run it. As a very general rule, any PC that was built from 2018 onwards should be compatible, but there are many other factors to consider too.

Software compatibility   New versions of software are not always compatible with older systems.  So your trusty old software application that your business might rely on, could have been fine under Windows 7, slightly buggy under Windows 10, and it would be very wise to test it thoroughly on Windows 11 before going live.

Other device compatibility  New software is likely to be compatible with the latest hardware and devices, but sadly we don’t all have the very latest equipment!  It takes other manufacturers time to catch up with Microsoft’s new developments and to modify their products to work.

Our top priority is always to provide you with secure, reliable and efficient IT solutions.  So right now, to protect your systems, we have put measures in place to ensure that Windows 11 cannot be automatically installed on your devices as part of regular updates, nor can an employee force the update to install.

Once Windows 11 has settled down and the early pitfalls are known, we will be in touch with recommendations and a full plan to implement Windows 11 in your organisation. 

Of course, some of you will be itching to get started, and that is great.  So if you want to upgrade sooner or you have any concerns or questions around Windows 11 or anything else, please do not hesitate to call your usual contacts at CSSCloud, or email us on