Microsoft 365 Backup

Did you know that Microsoft Office 365 data is not backed up?

Your Microsoft Office 365 data hasno backup!

Many people are unaware of the fact that Microsoft does not provide any form of backup within their Microsoft/Office 365 products.

Unfortunately, most people assume that it’s not required because Microsoft have an excellent reputation for data availability and resilience; this simply means that the infrastructure that provides your mailbox or your Teams setup will be available at all times.

In their terms of service, Microsoft have a disclaimer that explicitly states they will not be held liable for loss of data!

You should therefore take action, as your Office 365 data is not backed up!

Here are some scenarios where, without an Office 365 backup system in place, you will lose data permanently.

An employee leaves your organisation and his Office 365 licence is removed; two months later  you need to retrieve an email of considerable value. This will not be possible; the email is gone.

Your business uses Microsoft Teams and the very powerful collaboration tools it provides. A customer purchase order was stored within a Team channel and  the channel has been deleted! The purchase order is lost.

A disgruntled employee sabotages or deletes critical information  and it’s too late to recover it.

Cloud storage is not immune to ransomware or viruses. A home worker’s PC connected to your SharePoint or OneDrive storage library has unknowingly infected and encrypted your vital data. Unfortunately, in this case it was invoicing data and payroll.  Without a backup, your business doesn’t get paid and neither do your employees!

There are cases where companies need to store and maintain data for years in order to comply with legal obligations . Such data should be easily accessible, as it may be requested by law enforcement or other authorities for legal or regulatory purposes.  A backup would ensure that you have this data.

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